Top Tips on How to Move Heavy Objects Without Breaking Your Back
When moving to a new place, it would be a breeze if you didn’t have objects in your home that weighed more than you do. But we all have things like couches, dining tables, appliances, BBQs, pianos, pool tables, china cabinets, desks, beds, dressers, and the list of super heavy objects goes on and on. And that is just in a residential move. If you are making a commercial move, the list of heavy objects to move is even longer.
So what do you do when it comes to moving heavy objects? You could burn the place down and collect insurance money and buy new things to be delivered to your new place. Although, that would probably end with you behind bars and nobody is delivering anything to you there. So that option is off the table. You need a smarter solution.
So what do many people do when they need help moving heavy objects? They call their friends. Sure, you can recruit all of your strongest friends to come help. However, you don’t want to be the reason your best friend injures his back and ends up in rehab for 6 months, all because of your couch.
The best solution is to hire a reliable moving company, like Déménagement Total, to help with your move. These large item movers are professionals when it comes to moving super heavy items, and calling them can save you time, energy and most importantly, your back.
Moving Heavy Objects: DO’s and DON’Ts
Large item movers, like the ones at Déménagement Total, don’t just get hired because of their big muscles, they get hired because of their work ethic and attitude, and then we spend months training them in the intricacies involved in moving heavy objects. It is a top priority that our workers are safe and know the proper techniques when moving heavy objects.
We care deeply about their personal safety as well as the safety of the objects they are moving, and that is not always an easy feat.
Read on to learn about the things to do and not to do when moving heavy objects:
DO: Make sure you have the right tools on hand. You’ll need a dolly, handcart, moving straps, furniture sliders, moving pads, moving blankets, plastic wrap, and tools to disassemble large items.
DON’T: Assume that since you can bench press 185 lbs you can move a dresser safely with your own shear strength. Just because you can lift the weight of an item, doesn’t mean you should move it on your own. Many heavy items are awkward to hold, and carrying something heavy down the stairs or across uneven terrain in your yard, is a recipe for disaster. One wrong move and you can get seriously injured and damage the item beyond repair.
Do: Follow proper protocol when moving heavy items. Lift with your legs, don’t bend over and use your back muscles as this can cause strain and possibly an injury.
Don’t: Try to impress your friends and show-off by picking up an awkward and heavy item, then hurt yourself, and your ego, in the process.
Do: Move heavy objects with a partner, or better yet, a small group. Some heavy items like pool tables require multiple people working together to get the item into a moving truck.
Don’t: Attempt to move by yourself. Just because you can lift it doesn’t mean you can do it safely. Don’t be too proud to ask for help.
Do: Use furniture sliders to slide extremely heavy items.
Don’t: Slide heavy items along the floor. This can damage both the item and the floor. The last thing you need is a bill to fix the floor or replace the item because of damage.
Do: Call around to find a reliable moving company that can help you with all types of super heavy items. Déménagement Total has access to a crane if needed, so there is no item too heavy for our large item movers.
Don’t: Feel like you are alone. There is a reliable moving company out there that would love to help!
Lessen the Weight
Moving heavy objects can be tricky but not impossible if you are smart about it. An expert tip from our large item movers is to disassemble large and heavy furniture before moving. A lot of furniture is designed to be disassembled. Taking apart chairs, desks, bookshelves, tables, etc, is a breeze for our reliable moving company.
We know every brand of furniture and can easily take apart your heavy items.
By disassembling furniture, you are drastically reducing the size and weight of these items, making them much easier to move. Make sure to use moving pads and blankets to wrap the pieces to keep them in pristine condition during the moving process. The large item movers will even reassemble your items in your new place.
Clear a Path
When moving heavy items you need to be proactive. Think about any problem that can arise before it happens. Don’t leave clutter laying around. Clear a path in your home; that includes locking up any pets on moving day. No one needs the cat getting between your legs when you’re holding one side of a piano.
Take a walk through the house noting hanging light fixtures, low sloping ceilings (in staircases especially), light switches, banisters, sharp corners and narrow hallways. Also note any sunken rooms (meaning they have only one step down). These can often come as a surprise and cause a mover to trip. It’s important to be mindful of all of these things when moving heavy objects.
It’s important to clear any debris outside as well. If it has recently snowed, shovel the walk and driveway before attempting to move anything. Check your yard for any yard ornaments, like garden gnomes, solar lights or other hazards like kids’ bikes or toys strewn about.
Also be mindful of any uneven pavement, cracks in the driveway or if icy, put down rocks or salt to minimize slips. Make sure the path is clear of obstacles so the movers and your furniture can be kept safe.
Hire Large Item Movers
Truly the very best tip we can give you is to hire a Montreal reliable moving company to help with your moving heavy objects process. These large item movers are specially trained in the proper ways to move heavy objects. They will transport your valuables and keep them safe during the moving process.
Hiring a reliable moving company will not only give you the peace of mind that you won’t have to do all the heavy lifting yourself, it will also save your back!
Delivery of High-End Furniture
The delivery of high-end furniture requires great precision in packaging, handling and unpacking.
Maison Casavogue in Montreal is a benchmark example for clients looking for professionals, thus guaranteeing the total preservation of their precious goods upon delivery.
We deliver luxury furniture throughout Quebec, Ontario and beyond, with advance notice planned or even at the last minute.
Don’t Break Your Back or the Bank
Finding a trusted moving company is not as hard as you think. Do a little research and you’ll be surprised to discover there are large item movers out there who can meet your budget. Find large item movers who have the expertise and equipment to handle even the most challenging move.
If you’re moving, you are already carrying a lot on your back, don’t add more by moving heavy objects yourself.
Get started today! Give Déménagement Total a call to get a free, budget-friendly, estimate and get your move underway!