Déménagement Total

Choosing the Best Moving Company in Montreal, South Shore and North Shore

Choosing the Best Moving Company in Montreal, South Shore and North Shore

Choosing the Best Moving Company in Montreal, South Shore and North Shore

Best Moving Company

Moving is never an effortless task, so it’s not surprising that many people are seeking help for this transition. But, choosing the best moving company in Montreal, South Shore and North Shore, isn’t easy either.

Many people find moving an absolutely dreadful experience. There are so many things to do to get ready for a move, by the time you get to the actual moving part you are burnt out and exhausted.

The thought of sorting through your belongings, packing, taking apart furniture, etc, can give you a major headache just thinking about it. That is why so many people turn to professional moving companies to assist with their moves.

Déménagement Total is the best moving company in the Greater Montreal area. But don’t just take our word for it.

Here are five elements to look for when choosing a moving company to assist you in transferring your goods from one location to another, be it for residential, commercial or industrial needs. Those tips will be useful to you, whether your move is local or over a long distance.

Ask for Quotes of the Best Moving Companies in Montreal

Choosing the Best Moving Company in Montreal
Choosing the Best Moving Company in Montreal

Ask quotes to many companies before choosing the best moving company in Montreal, South Shore and North Shore. That way, you’ll have a concrete idea of the costs of your move.

All of the best moving companies will provide quotes for their customers looking to move. Don’t just choose the first moving company you find online. It pays to do a little research.

In today’s day and age, there is so much information online. If you do a little homework you can find the best movers in Montreal, with the best rates.

In addition, you’ll also see the professionalism of the companies. If one company simply gives you a round amount without asking too many questions, be suspicious, because they have not attempted to really evaluate the amount of work to be done.

The best moving company won’t just offer blanket pricing. They will want to know all of the details involved in your move. They should want to know how many items you have, and if you have heavy objects to move, like pianos, and pool tables.

They will want to know how large your property is, how far a distance they will need to travel, and if there will be vehicles involved in the move. There are a lot of factors that affect the price of a move.

The best moving company will always give you a clear and comprehensive quote with all the details of your move listed in writing. This way there are no discrepancies between the quote and the actual price of the move at the end of the process.

How many quotes should you ask? That depends on the market you’re in, but for a large city like Montreal, you can easily get three or four quotes.

Never pay for a quote. A quote is the seduction method of a company to get your business. Do not consider only the price to make your choice, but that’s certainly an important criterion.

These are just a few tips to finding the best moving company to take on your move. It’s very important to look at price, accuracy in the quote, reputation, and customer reviews. You should include all of those factors when making a decision to hire the best moving company.

Preliminary Visit of the Best Moving Company in Montreal

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Déménagement Montreal

Except for a tiny move, for a student or from a very small apartment, a serious mover will go to your place to establish a completely detailed quote. That will allow you to see the behaviour of at least one employee and determine if he gets your confidence.

A thorough preliminary visit is another criterion for choosing the best moving company in Montreal, South Shore and North Shore, because you know they haven’t just thrown a number in the air, that could yield to extra charges at the end.

No one wants an unexpected surprise at the end of a move. Déménagement Total, the best Montreal Movers, will never present you with a surprise cost at the end of the move. Our best movers in Montreal believe in being entirely transparent and honest with their customers from the very start.

Investigate the Best Moving Company in Montreal

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Déménagement Montreal

Of course, you want to hand out your belongings, furniture and household appliances to people you trust, who will take good care of them and who’ll be there after the move if problems should happen.
For choosing the best moving company in Montreal, South Shore and North Shore, it is important to verify the legal status of the companies.

You can check with the government, like the Registraire des entreprises du Québec, in order to be sure the company is properly registered and in good standing. You can also check when it was first registered.

Ask for proof of the insurance the company has, and what type of coverage will be assigned to your move, in case of problems.

This is extremely important to be one of the best moving companies. A moving company might be offering a cheaper price to move your items, but their insurance won’t cover it if something gets damaged during the process.

That is a huge red flag. Make sure you look closely into whether or not the moving company has good insurance coverage. You may get a cheaper deal on the move, but in the end it will cost you more if you have to replace your valuable items and belongings.

Another sign of the seriousness of the company is the variety of payment methods it offers. If it only offers you to pay cash, that’s a bad sign.

Cash payments can suggest the movers may not be claiming the cash as income and possibly not paying taxes. Yes, you may save money initially but getting involved with these types of moving companies will cost you in the long run.

Be wary of businesses charging a lot less than the competitive rate. Oftentimes these companies hire inexperienced movers who don’t know the skills involved in the moving process and can damage your precious items.

This is a terrible mistake you can’t go back on, and a lot of the customers who have been scammed by these businesses had a bad gut feeling from the get go. Trust your own instincts, and if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Remember you get what you pay for in life, and hiring the best movers in Montreal may be a bit more expensive but the cost of knowing your personal belongings are being cared for by professionals, is really priceless.

The best moving companies will always reveal everything about their business to their customers. If there seems to be secrets, run the other way.

Another aspect to consider when choosing the best moving company in Montreal, South Shore and North Shore, is the contract that will be offered to you.

Does it contain many details or is just a piece of white paper almost empty? Although we don’t like small characters, that’s a proof the company is serious, and you have to read them carefully.

If you have particular objects, like a piano or a pool table, for example, make sure the company will be able to handle them correctly.

Moving these super heavy objects takes great skill and knowledge. Not just anyone can move a piano. By hiring a company that does not offer professional piano and pool table moving, you are taking a huge risk at potentially damaging these priceless items.

Always look into the credentials of the moving company you are hiring. The best moving company will be very honest and upfront about the specifics of the services they offer and the skill set they have. The best movers in Montreal will always provide you with the evidence to know they really are who they say they are.

One last aspect regarding the company itself is to know if it’s a local business, well established in the community, or if it’s only a local branch of an American company. You will be much better off dealing with a local company.

Good Trucks the Best Moving Company in Montreal Has

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Déménagement Montreal

Does the company have real moving trucks, with their identity painted on them and all the fuss? Have you ever crossed one of their trucks on the road? If you can, go see the company at its location to see its fleet.
Having the right trucks, being well identified to the brand is a sign the company is serious, because an amateur won’t do such expenses. It’s a reliability criterion that is easy to check for choosing the best moving company in Montreal, South Shore and North Shore.

Déménagement Total is a reputable, well-recognized best moving company in Montreal. You have likely seen our trucks around Montreal or in your neighbourhood. We are a busy, well-known, best moving company in the city. We love our city and we are proud to be one of the top Montreal Movers.

Our best movers in Montreal take pride in providing high-quality, thorough moving service to both small and large moving projects all over Quebec.

We can handle the most complicated commercial or residential moves. Our best Montreal movers are honest, hard-working and dedicated movers. You will never be disappointed hiring our best moving company.

Read the Reviews of the Best Moving Company in Montreal

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Déménagement Montreal

An excellent source of information when choosing the best moving company in Montreal, South Shore and North Shore, is to see what past clients say about their experience with the companies you’re considering for your move.
First, ask your friends and families if they have companies to recommend you. You’ll be able to have more info from them why they liked such or such company, or not.
Then, go see on review sites, like Yelp! or Google Maps. Don’t forget to look at the company’s page on Facebook. If you don’t find those references, that’s a terrible sign.

The best moving company will always show their true side on social media. During your research, if you don’t see an online presence or if something seems a bit off, trust your instincts. Our best Montreal movers will tell you this honestly, as we have heard many stories of people being ripped off by sketchy moving companies.

Please do your research before hiring the best Montreal moving company. We may be biased, but we stand confident by our online reputation and our best movers in Montreal live up to our name.

Our best Montreal movers only offer the best moving experience to our customers, no matter the complexities of the moves. We are one of the best moving companies in Canada for a reason.


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Déménagement Montreal

For choosing the best moving company in Montreal, South Shore and North Shore, there are many things to consider, especially with as many moving companies as there are in a city like Montreal. However, with a bit of diligence, you’ll be able to find the perfect company for your needs.

Follow those five tips:

  1. ask many quotes;
  2. see if the companies come to your place to give you a detailed quote;
  3. check out the legal standing of the company;
  4. if it has good trucks;
  5. and finally check out reviews.
Best Moving Company in Montreal
Best Moving Company in Montreal

With those few verifications, you’ll be confident to make the right choice for choosing the best moving company in Montreal, South Shore and North Shore.Hopefully, you will come to the conclusion that our best moving company, Déménagement Total, will fulfill all your moving needs.

Our Montreal movers will offer you excellent professional services at the most competitive prices. Get a FREE QUOTE by giving us a call or by filling out our online form. Don’t wait another moment, you’ve found the best moving company in Quebec.

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